Brian & Sue (The Netherlands)
We find Kelly to be professional, helpful and dedicated.
Sue and Brian
June 2007
Kelly has been working with our 15 year old son Christopher since October 2006.
Christopher has severe learning difficulties together with motor planning problems. Kelly introduced to us the use of the Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) with Christopher and has provided advice and support about the system both to us as parents and to his class teachers at the special school he goes to in Leiden. The system involves Christopher initiating communication by choosing symbols representing wishes e.g. food or ideas e.g. music/tv and passing them to a helper and immediately getting his choice as a reinforcement of his actions.
She works with Christopher two or three times a week using ABA/DTT whilst monitoring and recording his achievements. Kelly has also helped design a structured approach to the toilet training of Christopher in conjunction with the special school in Leiden that Christopher attends. She provides support and gives advice to us on how to encourage Christopher to put into practice some of the skills he has now learnt, such as switching on the tv whenever he wants!
We find Kelly to be professional, helpful and dedicated and value highly her contribution to the care and development of Christopher.
Brian and Sue