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Autism/ADHD/Dyslexia  Coach,  Consultant & Trainer


+31 06 87 89 18 35


Aaron: I have been working with Kelly Redden for four years now, and I cannot recommend her enough. As someone with autism, I’ve faced unique challenges, but Kelly has been an incredible source of support and guidance throughout.

2 Locations in Hoofddorp, NL (remote/inperson) and Salt Lake City, UT (remote only)
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Welcome to my website.

I am an Autism, ADHD, and Dyslexia Career Coach, Consultant, and Trainer.

Leveraging my extensive expertise and personal experience, I empower individuals, companies, and educational institutions to support and celebrate neurodiversity, ensuring success and growth. I am committed to transparency, integrity, and unwavering ethical standards in all my professional engagements.

Explore how my services can transform your organization and help neurodiverse individuals thrive.



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